Round Table “The Lions of Alash”
Students of the Kazakh-American Free University and students of the Higher College of KAFU jointly took part in the Round Table “Alashtyn asyl arystary” within the framework of the XIII International Forum of Young Scientists “Modern Scientific Areas: from Applied Research to Innovation.” Burning issues of the historical heritage of the Alash movement were discussed at the Round Table. The works of the Alash figures were especially comprehensively studied and discussed, and the improvement of the spiritual heritage of the «Alash Lions» was considered within the stufy of archival materials. The works of Alash figures were related to the sphere of law, pedagogy, sociology, a comparative analysis was carried out. It is gratifying that young scientists, in order to develop the ideological, political and spiritual heritage of Kazakhstan in modern history, deeply researched and studied the works of Alash figures and thereby made their contribution to history.
Department of Law and International Relations