The Kazakh-American Free University Hosted the General Offsite Meeting of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On September 26, 2024, the Kazakh-American Free University hosted the General Offsite Meeting of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the development of science in regional universities. The event was attended by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurbek Sayasat, the President of KAFU, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Yerezhep A. Mambetkaziyev, leading experts from Kazakhstan universities, as well as representatives of international scientific and educational organizations.
The meeting opened with a welcoming speech by the President of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rakhman Al. Alshanov, who noted the importance of strengthening the scientific potential in regional universities, especially in the context of the rapid development of technology and the globalization of educational processes.
The key moment of the event was the speech of Minister Nurbek Sayasat, who emphasized the role of science as the main driver for the development of both education, and the country’s economy. The Minister presented a vision of the strategy for supporting scientific research in the regions, emphasizing the need to increase funding, attract international partners and strengthen interaction between scientific institutions within the country. “Regional universities should become centers of innovation and scientific discoveries that will contribute to the sustainable development of their regions,” the Minister noted.
One of the main issues on the agenda was the analysis of mechanisms for supporting regional science. Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education Darkhan Zh. Akhmed-Zaki spoke about the programs being implemented and the state policy in the field of technological development of the regions. He presented examples of successful projects and proposed mechanisms for increasing scientific potential through strengthening interaction with businesses and international scientific organizations.
The attention of those gathered was drawn to the report by Abay S. Serikkanov, Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the development of regional science. In his speech, he focused on the need for active development of scientific centers outside large cities. He emphasized that regional universities play a key role in the spread of innovations and new technologies in remote regions of the country. Aliya A. Sugirbayeva, Commercial Director of DLS-Global KZ LLP, in her report on the topic “Kazakhstani Anti-Plagiarism: Problems and Solutions” covered in detail the modern challenges in the fight against plagiarism and presented practical tools that can be used by universities to improve academic integrity.
Dina I. Razakova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovations of Turan University, made a presentation entitled “Science in a Private University: Management and Partnerships,” where she shared her experience in managing scientific activities in private educational institutions and spoke about the importance of partnerships in increasing scientific potential.
The panel session also discussed issues of attracting scientific personnel, as reported by Nurhat K. Zhakiev, Director of the Department of Science and Innovations of Astana IT University. He presented advanced training programs for young scientists and experience in attracting specialists from abroad.
The final presentation on current issues of science development in regional universities was made by Zhasulan Ye. Baikenov, First Vice-President of KAFU. He gave examples of successful scientific projects implemented within the university and shared his experience of partnership with foreign universities. Zhasulan Ye. Baikenov noted that KAFU is actively working to integrate into international scientific communities and expand opportunities for its students and teachers. The event ended with a discussion and adoption of a resolution aimed at solving current problems of regional science and improving interaction between universities in Kazakhstan. The document reflected proposals to increase funding for research projects, improve conditions for academic mobility, and strengthen cooperation with foreign research centers and accreditation agencies. Let us recall that the Kazakh-American Free University is currently celebrating two important events: the 30th anniversary of its foundation and the 40th anniversary of Academician Yerezhep Mambetkaziyev’s rectoring. It is all the more important that the General Offsite Meeting of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held here, in a private university of international partnership.