Valentina Gersonskaya

Job experience:
- September 2012 – Senior lecturer, Foreign Languages Chair, KAFU
- September 1993 – August 2012 Senior lecturer, Language and Translation Chair, S. Amanzholov EKSU
- 2001 – 2007 lecturer, Language and Translation Chair, S. Amanzholov EKSU
- 2001 – 2007 September 1993 – June 2001 – lecturer, English Department, EKSU
- 2003-2005 KAFU, Master Program,Master of Education, specialization –Foreign Languages: Two Foreign Languages
- 1988-1993 East Kazakhstan State University,Teacher of English and German languages
Additional training:
- Workshop: Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary in EFL. KAFU: International Partnership: Research, Innovation, Education. (September 25, 2015)
- Workshop: How to get accomplished by doing the right thing. KAFU: International Partnership: Research, Innovation, Education. (September 25, 2015)
- Workshop: Globalization and Free Trade in the contemporary society. KAFU: International Partnership: Research, Innovation, Education. (September 25, 2015)
- Seminar Thomson Reuters on resources for research: How to find journals with Impact-factor and edit articles in accordance with EndNote Online.
- Thomson Reuters. October 7, 2015.
- Seminar «Problems and Prospects of polylingual personality development in childhood.
- KAFU, December 22, 2015.
- Workshop “Innovative Technologies in EFL Teaching” KAFU, January 20, 2016.
- Round Table: “Introduction of Trilingual Education: Experience, Problems and Prospects”. KAFU, March 29, 2016.
- Workshop: Successful Instruction for English Language Learning. KAFU. April 2, 2016
- Workshop: Transforming Learning for the 21st Century workshop. KAFU. April 8, 2016.
- Workshop: “Building your vocab with OALD 9th Edition”, “Teaching the Whole Child with Family and Friends”, “Solving your teens’ linguistic problems with solutions!” EKTU, Oxford University Press
- April 27, 2016
- Workshop: A Brief Survey of the Research Design for Social Studies” KAFU: May 13, 2016
- International Conference “Creating the Future with EFL: Celebrating 25 Years of Kazakhstan’s Independence by Lookng Forward” (June16-18, 2016) (participant certificate)
- Workshop: “Voting as an Element of US Democracy: experience and Prospect”.
- International Scientific Congress. “International Partnership: Social and Economic Challenges and Trends” (KAFU) September 19, 2014 (certificate).
- Workshop «Distance Education IN HEI and Electronic Education Technologies in the Education Process: content, Specifics, Prospects” (3.11.2014) (certificate)
- Professional Development Program for RK Educators: Professional development program for teachers of pedagogical specialties within the Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (240
- hours), The «Orley» National Professional Development Training Center (certificate) 05-07. 2014
- Professional Development Program “Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education”, Newcastle University, 17.06.2014-26.06.2014. (certificate)
- Professional Development Program “Assessment and Continuous Improvement in Educational Programs”, KAFU, 27.05.2014 (certificate)
- Workshop Oxford University Press “How can we make students speak? Using critical thinking to encourage fluency”, 22.04.2014 (certificate)
- Workshop Oxford University Press “Bringing business English to life”, 22.04.2014 (certificate)
- Workshop Oxford University Press “Vocabulary – the real challenge for high level learners”, 22.04.2014 (certificate)
- Workshop “Elsevier ScienceDirect and Scopus Training”, 18.03.2014 (certificate)
- Macmillan seminar “Building students’ critical thinking skills”, “Developing essential skills for academic success”, 14.03.2014 (certificate)
- U.S. Embassy, The Regional English Language Office, Seminar “Tips for Teaching Pronunciation”, 16.01.2014 (certificate)
- U.S. Embassy, The Regional English Language Office, Seminar “Rubrics for assessment” 13.01.2014 (certificate)
- U.S. Embassy, The Regional English Language Office, Seminar “Technology in the ESL classroom”, 08.01.2014 (certificate)
- “Oxford Grammar for Schools: Challenging and Fun”, “Getting Students Talking with Project”, “Engaging Students with New English File” Oxford University Press workshops (certificate)18.05.2013
- “Academic Writing and Research” (certificate), 4.05.2013
- “Bring Technology into your Classroom with the New English File i-Pack”, “Overview of English For Specific Purposes Titles from Oxford” Oxford University Press workshops (certificate), 29.03.2013
- September 2012,KAFU, International Congress, Seminar “Role of University in searching innovation technologies for solution of Environmental Problems” (certificate)
- June 2012.S. Amanzholov EKSU, Senior Experten Service,Professional development program «Theory and Practice of Oral Translation»,
- (certificate)
- КАFU, 28.10.2011,Workshop «Teaching foreign Languages in Bilingual Post-soviet Countries» (certificate)
- КАFU, 27.09.2010 -30.05.2011
- Professional development program «Managing Education Quality in Higher Educational Institutions» (certificate)
- Kazakh-German Center, 21.04.2010
- «Energy and Water: Open the World of H2O и Wаtt!
- КАFU, 15.06.2010,Seminar «Improving Communication for Advanced Speakers of English» (certificate)
- КАFU, 1.02.2010,Seminar «Practical English Classes» (certificate)
- КАFU, 1.02.2010,Seminar «Effective Teaching Methods» (certificate)
- Kazakhstan National Coordination Center of the European Union 7th Framework Program Казахстанский, 2007
- A course of lectures on participation in FP7 contests (certificate)
- S. Amanzholov EKSU, 26.11.2006-26.12.2006
- Professional development program «Information-Education Technologies in the Educational Process» (certificate)
- Abylai-Zhan Kazakhstan University of International Relations and World Languages, November 21-25
- Professional development program «Languages Functioning in RK: Theory and Practice» (certificate)
Research: Author of 114 articles, theses, and didactic materials.
- Supervision of bachelor and Master research,
- Term paper supervision (fundamentals of language theory, translation theory)
- Supervision of student research
- Reviewing articles to be published in KAFU
- Supervision of the “Linguistics and Culture” student scientific society
Conferences attended:
- Head of at the “Чистяковские чтения ” regional conference, 12.04.2013
- Participation in the “Гармонизация взаимодействия в системе «школа-колледж-вуз” regional conference, 26.04.2013
- Participation in the III International Forum of young scientists (diploma)
- KAFU Research and practice conference of faculty and students, 2008-2013
- EKSU scientific conferences 1993-2011
Disciplines taught:
- Scientific Research Methods (graduate school)
- Business English
- General Linguistics
- Literary Translation Techniques
- Translation Theory
- Informative Translation Techniques
- Interpretation
- Functional Stylistics of the English and Kazakh/Russian Languages
- Typology
- Language Theory (Lexicology)
Languages spoken:
- Russian – native
- English – proficiency level
- German – pre-intermediate level
Personal computer skills:
- Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint/
- Internet browsing (user)
Professional activity
- workshops for East Kazakhstan school teachers,
- Translation and correction of scientific articles and abstracts for EKSU, Technical University and KAFU lecturers
- КАFУ, Foreign Languages Chair, lecturer (September 2008 – June 2012)
- EKSU Language Center Methodologist (September 2009 – April 2012) (guidance and support of the center teachers, translation of EKSU and NUR OTAN written documents, interpreting at conferences, workshops, public lectures, round tables, in physics, economy, astronomy
- Teaching Translation from the Native Language course for the staff of the Bakyrchik Mining Company (2011)
- Interpreting for the Oblast Akimat 2004 -2012
- Participation in Foresight research” Defining Priorities in t5he Development of Kazakhstan Science in 2008-2010 ( translation of the documents, interpreting in Malaysia – November 2008)
- Training guides-interpreters for Foreign Investors Forum , 2007
- English Language courses, KAFU Business Center
- Business English, KAFU Business Center
- Translation Courses, S. Amanzholov EKSU Language Center – 2009-2012
- English for the Post-graduate Programs course EKSU Language Center– 2011
- «Practical Grammar of the English Language» courses,
- EKSU Language Center -2010-2011 English for the Ulba Plant employees, KAFU 2009
- English for the Titanium and Magnesium Plant employees, KAFU 2008
- English for the Asia AUTOPlant employees – 2005-2007
- English for the Sogrinsk CHP employees– 2000-2001
- Hostess of the English Club, Reurich– 2004
- Hostess of the English Club, EKSU -2004
- Intensive English courses, EKSU -2004
- Intensive English courses, Central Culture Center -2004
- Work as a translator and interpreter with organizations, businesses of the East Kazakhstan Oblast