

Awarding diplomas to graduates of the...

On June 28, 2024, a solemn graduation ceremony was held for graduates of the KAFU Higher College!Today is an important a...

Get to know KAFU with our new digital...

Welcome to the future! We are proud to introduce you our new virtual assistant – chatbot for applicants of Kazakhs...
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The program for training IT managers (Department of Business, Master’s degree, 7M04105 “IT Management”...
Участие в Летней антикоррупционной школе (1)

Participation in the Summer Anti-Corr...

From June 10 to June 14, 2024, senior lecturer at the Department of Law and International Relations of the Kazakh-Americ...
Global Media Savvy (1)

“Global Media Savvy”: a c...

From May 1 to May 28, 2024, 1st and 2nd year students of OP 6B01703 “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” and 6B0230...
Студент КАСУ стал серебряным призером Национального Чемпионата Республики Казахстан среди юниоров (1)

KAFU student became the silver medali...

The Kazakh-American Free University congratulates 1st year student of the educational program 6B01401 “Physical Culture ...
Гостевая лекция в департаменте экономических расследований ВКО

Guest lecture at the Department of Ec...

May 29, 2024, teachers of the Department of Law and International Relations Muzhchil S.A. and Zhunusbekov E.M. held a gu...
День открытых дверей в ДГД ВКО (2)

Open Day at the Children’s Stat...

Today, on May 29, 2nd and 3rd year students of the OP “Jurisprudence”, “Law and Law Enforcement”...
Выбери свое будущее с Лингвистическим центром КАСУ (3)

Choose Your Future with the KAFU Ling...

From the very first lessons, a student can already speak a foreign language – this is one of our main goals. Overc...
Гостевые лекции в Ташкентском государственном юридическом университете (2)

Guest lectures at Tashkent State Univ...

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Kazakh-American Free University and the Tashkent Sta...