
Таза қазақша сөйлейтін америкалық ұстаз 28 42 screenshot (1)

American professor at KAFU gave an in...

Journalists from the ALTAI-NEWS Media Center interviewed Ronald and Janine Wiley at the Kazakh-American Free University....
Школа антикоррупционного комплаенса (2)

School of Anti-Corruption Compliance

April 24, 2024 on the basis of VKU named after. S. Amanzholova held a training seminar for anti-corruption compliance se...
Юбилейная Аллея КАСУ (5)

Anniversary Alley of KAFU

On April 26, 2024, KAFU Alley was founded on the territory of the Left Bank Park of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. 30 youn...
Участие в научно практическом форуме

Participation in the Scientific and P...

On April 19, 2024, teachers and graduate students of the Department of Law and International Relations of the Kazakh-Ame...
Встреча студентов КАСУ с представителями Департамента юстиции ВКО (5)

Meeting of KAFU Students with Represe...

On April 24, 2024, 3rd year students of the Kazakh-American Free University EP “Jurisprudence” met with the Head of the ...
Поздравляем выпускницу КАСУ с победой в конкурсе! (3)

Congratulations to the KAFU graduate ...

Teacher of Russian language and literature of “Secondary School No18”, Aigerim B. Abylgazinova,  too...
Акция «Жасыл аймақ» (7)

Campaign “Zhasyl Aimak” (...

Today, April 27, 2024, students and teachers of the Kazakh-American Free University took part in a green action that too...
Региональная олимпиада по английскому языку «Striving for Excellence» для учащихся 9 11 классов школ ВКО и студентов 1 2 курсов организаций ТиПО (16)

Regional Olympiad in English “Strivin...

On April 26, 2024, the Kazakh-American Free University hosted a Regional English language Olympiad for 9-11th graders of...

IT Projects for Business “HubTech: Po...

On April 24, 2024, the second day of defense of IT business projects took place in the Pitch Day format “HubTech: Power ...

IT Projects for Business “HubTech: In...

On April 23, 2024, the first day of defending IT projects for business “HubTech: Innovations for the Future” took place ...