Round table “Inclusive education: features and development prospects”
On April 10, 2024, an International Round Table was held on the topic: “Inclusive education: features and development prospects.”
The purpose of the meeting was to analyze problems and prospects for further development, to identify opportunities for accessible education for people with special education needs.
From the psychological aspect, the issue of inclusion was addressed by Liliya Yuryevna Mamburova, director of the LLP “Special school-kindergarten “Wonderland” for children with ASD.” She made a report “Inclusive education for children with ASD: experience of the special school-kindergarten “Wonderland”.
From the pedagogical aspect, this issue was analyzed by the speakers: Lataeva Anastasia Konstantinovna, primary school teacher of the KSU “Secondary Multidisciplinary School No. 37” of the education department for the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, with a report on the topic: “Educational effectiveness and emotional well-being of children with special education needs: recommendations from practice “; Oskolkova Anna Aleksandrovna, senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, with a report on the topic: “Use of modern ICT to ensure the involvement of students with special needs in the educational process”; Gersonskaya Valentina Vladimirovna, senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, with a report on the topic: “Creating an inclusive educational environment in classes on interpreting practice.”
Representatives from Russia and the USA also spoke at the event, they shared their work experience: Karpenkova Inna Vyacheslavovna, candidate of social sciences, specialist in the development of inclusive education, leading analyst of the Federal Center for the Development of Inclusive Education of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, on the topic: “How not to lose subjectivity in the education of children with disabilities”; Lomakina Elena Vasilievna, Master of Pedagogy, graduate student of the Institute of Education and Science of Moscow State Pedagogical University, practicing educational psychologist and tutor in the field of inclusive education at secondary school named after. Artyom Borovik, Moscow, on the topic: “Specifics of work and documentation support for tutor activities in inclusive education of a Moscow school”; Caitlin Hyde, Certified Teacher of English and Mathematics, Master of Science in Working with Children with Learning Disabilities, Portland, Oregon, USA, on the topic: “Teaching Children with Special Educational Needs.”
Representatives from educational organizations were involved in the work of the round table: Chanvaeva Aigerim Tagymbekovna, teacher-educator of the KSU “Boarding School “Ak Niet” of the East Kazakhstan region and Kabieva Dinara Sovetkhanovna, primary school teacher, teacher-expert of the KSU “Secondary school No. 13” of the education department Ust-Kamenogorsk.
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology