The Results of the Republican Annual Competition of Research Works of Students
The results of the Republican annual competition of research works of students in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the direction of “Physical Culture and Sports” were summed up.
The main goals and objectives of the research competition are to stimulate the research and educational activities of students; selection and support of the most talented and gifted students; assistance in the formation of the intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Having considered the scientific works of students, the competition committee of the university decided to submit for the award:
- I degree diplomas of the Ministry: 1 work
- II degree diplomas of the Ministry: 2 works
- III degree diplomas of the Ministry: 3 works
I degree diploma of the Ministry is awarded to:
- Artem S. Batrak, student of M. Kozybaev North-Kazakhstan University, EP “Physical Culture and Sport” for the work on the topic: “Education of Speed Endurance among Polyathletes in Middle-Distance Running Using the Interval Method”.
Scientific advisers: Professor of the department “Theory and Methods of Physical and Military Education” Kanguzhina K.M.; master, senior lecturer of the department, Mater of Sports, honored trainer of the Republic of Kazakhstan Numov A.V.
II degree diplomas of the Ministry are awarded to:
- Rodion A. Razumov, student of M. Kozybaev North-Kazakhstan University, EP “Physical Culture and Sport” for the work on the topic: “The Influence of Training Loads on the Body of 9-10 Year-Old Children Involved in Kyokushin Karate.”
Scientific adviser: Professor of M. Kozybaev North-Kazakhstan University, Tulaev V.K. - Artem R. Zheludov, a student of the Kazakh-American Free University of EP “Physical Culture and Sports” for work on the topic: “The Influence of Physical Activity of Varying Intensity on the Preparedness of Long-Distance Runners for Sports Competitions.”
Scientific adviser: Associate Professor of the Department “Pedagogy and Psychology” of KAFU, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Asmolova L.A.
III degree diplomas of the Ministry are awarded to:
- Gleb A. Golub, a student of M. Kozybaev North-Kazakhstan University of the EP “Physical Culture and Sport” for the work on the topic: “Development of Speed-Strength Abilities in Sprinters and Athletes When Using Exercises with Weights.”
Scientific adviser: Senior Lecturer of M. Kozybaev North-Kazakhstan University, Sotnichenko E.A. - Timur T. Stenin, student of L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, of the EP “Physical Culture and Sports” for the work on the topic: “The Use of Health-Saving Technologies in Chess Classes in Preschool Educational Institutions.”
Scientific adviser: Senior Lecturer of L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, master, Moiseeva N.A. - Amir B. Bukembaev, a student of the Kazakh-American Free University of the EP “Physical Culture and Sports” for the work on the topic: “Methods of Teaching the Game in the Defense of Volleyball Players of the Training Group.
Scientific adviser: Associate Professor of the Department “Pedagogy and Psychology” of KAFU, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Asmolova L.A.