“The Scarlet Sails”: 100-Year Anniversary

On November 23, 2022, the Regional Competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first publication of Alexander Green’s work “The Scarlet Sails” was held at the Kazakh-American Free University.

The magic word of Alexander Green still captivates readers. “The Scarlet Sails” entered the national cultural code. And even if someone has not read the book itself, they still remember the girl Assol, who believed that one day a beautiful and brave prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. This is a book about the fate of a creative person in a philistine environment. Both Arthur Gray and Assol are “not of this world”, they are real romantics, creative people, internally free, able to ignite the hearts of others, if they are not yet completely ossified in satiated indifference. So this is a book about love at first sight.

The competition was opened by the hostess of the event – Svetlana Polupanova (1st year, EP “Russian Language and Literature”). First Vice-President Zhasulan Baykenov made a welcoming speech, wishing all the participants success and thanking them for participating in the competitions and events of our university. The co-organizer of the competition was the East Kazakhstan Linguistic Center of the Culture Department of the East Kazakhstan region.

The final report “The Scarlet Sails Motive in Literature and Cinematography” was presented by Victoria Suzdal (1st year, EP «The Russian Language and Literature»). Amalia Bubnova (1st year, «The Russian Language and Literature») presented the creative component of the competition in the form of an author’s poem.

Participants of the competition presented materials in two categories – “Reports and Presentations” and “Author’s Poem”.


1 place

Sholpan Ashimkhan, teacher – Abakasheva G.K. (Secondary school №47, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

Maria Semyanova, teacher – Velichko N. N. (School-center of additional education No. 19, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

2nd place

Igor Andronov, teacher – Nalimova N.I. (Humanitarian and Technical College, Shemonaikha)

Araylym Ganibat, teacher – Batmanova L.A. (Gagarin Secondary school, Aiyrtau village, Ulan district)

Platon Mozgovoi, teacher – Zakharova S.Yu. (Private Business School “Brig”, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

3rd place

Dania Tastenova, teacher – Batmanova L.A. (Gagarin Secondary school, Aiyrtau village, Ulan district)

Daniil Tolmachev , teacher – Zakharova S.Yu. (Private Business School “Brig”, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

Snezhana Sheyankova , teacher – Sarmanova H.D. (Korosteli secondary school, village of Korosteli, Borodulikha district)

4th place

Elena Murashkina, teacher – Shipilenko D.V. (Kumash Nurgaliev Higher College, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

Alexandra Suvorina , teacher – Shipilenko D.V. (Kumash Nurgaliev Higher College , Ust-Kamenogorsk)


1 place

Leonid Panteleev , teacher – Shevnina L.A. (School-lyceum №34, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

Andrey Shmatko, teacher – Shcherbinina E.A. (Lev Gumilyov Gymnasium №38, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

Matvey Esak , teacher – Shcherbinina E.A. (Lev Gumilyov Gymnasium №38, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

2nd place

Eva Babina , Ekaterina Shcherbakova, teacher – Rylskaya O.V. (Secondary school №18, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

Polina Slabkevich , teacher – Egorina G.A. (School-gymnasium №12, Ust-Kamenogorsk)

Maria Stulova, teacher – Nalimova N.I. (Humanitarian and Technical College, Shemonaikha)

3rd place

Akmaral Amangeldykyzy, teacher – Batmanova L.A. (Gagarin Secondary school, Aiyrtau village, Ulan district)

Marina Kazantseva , teacher – Tikhonova L.N. (Regional specialized IT-school-lyceum, Ust-Kamenogorsk)


for preparing winners and contributing to the formation of new generation leaders

  1. Gulzhanat Abakasheva  
  2. Leyla Batmanova
  3. Nadezhda Velichko
  4. Galina Egorina
  5. Svetlana Zakharova
  6. Nina Nalimova
  7. Olga Rylskaya
  8. Larisa Tikhonova
  9. Larisa Shevnina
  10. Daria Shipilenko
  11. Elena Shcherbinina

We thank all the participants and wish you creative success!

Organizing Committee