
Победители международной олимпиады

Winners of the International Olympiad...

The results of the XI International Olympiad in the Russian language “Runica” for students, held on the port...
Гостевая лекция профсоюза работников образования

Guest Lecture of the Chairman of the ...

On March 17, 2023, the next guest of our university was the Chairman of the Ust-Kamenogorsk organization of the educator...
Наурыз мейрамы в КАСУ

Nauryz Meiramy at KAFU

Nauryz meiramy is a holiday of spring awakening and renewal, this is one of the most beloved and popular holiday in...
Обучение русскому языку и литературе в современных условиях: презентация монографий (3)


The processes of globalization, the active integration processes taking place at the present time, have affected not onl...
Патриотическая акция по исполнению государственного гимна

Patriotic Action for the Performance ...

On March 15, 2023, 2nd year students of «Law» joined the Republican campaign to perform the national anthem of the Repub...
Современная цивилизация и вызовы времени системе образования

Modern Civilization and the Challenge...

On March 15 and 16, 2023 at the Kazakh-American Free University, together with the Moscow City Pedagogical University, A...
Занятия с Кэйтлин Хайд

Guess Who’s Back? Our Kathy is with Us!

Certified English teacher Kathlyn Hyde came back to the Kazakh-American Free University and conducts interesting classes...

Development of Joint Advanced Trainin...

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Kazakh-American Free University and the Branch of JSC ...
Работа студенческого научного кружка «Медиатор»

The work of the student scientific cl...

On March 14, 2023, within the framework of the “Developing school-based mediation teams as a way of preventing conflicts...
Международная дистанционная олимпиада по маркетингу

IV International Distance Marketing O...

On March 10, 2023, the results of the IV International Distance Olympiad in Marketing were summed up. The organizers wer...