
Рабочая встреча в Восточно Казахстанском немецком культурном центре «Видергебурт» (2)

Working Meeting at the East Kazakhsta...

A working meeting of the regional society employees with the coordinators of the Executive Bureau of the East Kazakhstan...
Посещение Усть Каменогорского детского центра оказания специальных социальных услуг

Visit to the Ust-Kamenogorsk Children...

On October 4, a group of our students from the EP 6B02301 “Translation Studies” of KAFU visited the Ust-Kame...
erezhep mambetkaziev 40 let rektorstva akademicheskogo liderstva i reform 2 (1)

Yerezhep Mambetkaziyev: 40 Years of R...

Today we celebrate 40 years since the beginning of the rector’s activity of the outstanding scientist and visionar...
ministr nauki i vysshego obrazovaniya sayasat nurbek 3

Minister of Science and Higher Educat...

On September 26, 2024, at the Kazakh-American Free University, as part of the celebrations dedicated to the 30th anniver...
Гостевая лекция профессора Дугласа К. Хартмана в КАСУ рейтинг организаций высшего образования (2)

Guest Lecture by Professor Douglas K....

On September 26, 2024, a guest lecture by Professor Douglas K. Hartman from Michigan State University was held at the Ka...
КАСУ продолжает чествовать сотрудников в честь юбилея (4)

KAFU Continues to Honor KAFU Employees 

As part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Kazakh-American Free University, special attention was paid to...
30 лет встреча с представителями University of Arizona (USA) (5)

30th Anniversary: ​​Meeting with Repr...

On September 26, 2024, a meeting with representatives of the University of Arizona (USA) was held at the Kazakh-American...
Встреча с профессором Метрополитенского университета Праги Мартиной Воркочковой (2)

Meeting with Professor Martina Vorkoč...

On September 30, 2024, a meeting of the management team with Professor Martina Vorkočková of the Metropolitan University...
Публикация рукописи в журнале Scopus советы от редактора» (15)

“Publishing a Manuscript in Sco...

On September 30, 2024, two guest lectures were held at the Kazakh-American Free University on the topical issue of scien...
30 лет КАСУ гостевая лекция о внешней политике Словакии и её отношениях с Казахстаном (3)

30 Years of KAFU: Guest Lecture on Sl...

On September 27, 2024, a guest lecture «Foreign Policy of Slovakia and the Role of Small States in International Politic...