
Вручение сертификатов посольства США

Presentation of Certificates of the U...

On May 5, 2023, a solemn ceremony of awarding certificates of the international project of the US Embassy “Media L...
Областной конкурс бизнес-проектов «Успешный проект»

Regional Competition of Business Proj...

Youth and business – these two concepts are inextricably linked today. It is young people who today generate new i...
визит посла Словакии

Visit of the Ambassador Extraordinary...

From May 3 to May 5, 2023, Robert Kirnag, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovakia to the Republic of Ka...
Открытый урок Мужчиля С.А. по дисциплине «Конституционное право РК»

Open Lesson by Saveliy Muzhchil in th...

On April 26, 2023, an open lesson was held for first-year students of the educational programs “Jurisprudence̶...
Семинар «Brain-friendly activities for the English classroom»

Seminar “Brain-Friendly Activit...

On April 21 and 28, 2023, a seminar by certified English teacher Kathleen Hyde (Portland, Oregon, USA) on the topic R...
внеаудиорное занятие переводчиков

Extracurricular Activities of Student...

On April 24, 2023, students of the educational program “Translation Studies” visited the East Kazakhstan Reg...

Scientific research of the 21st century

Students of KAFU of the Department of Foreign Languages won another victory in the competition of scientific works in ph...
лица культуры вко

Figures of Culture of East Kazakhstan...

On April 28, 2023, the Department of Law and International Relations held the event “Persons of Culture of the Eas...
учебная пресс-конференция журналистов

Educational Press Conference of Journ...

The students of the Kazakh-American Free University have completed the second rating week, the academic year is coming t...
Семинар по реализации полиязычия

Seminar on implementation of multilin...

A practice-oriented seminar on the topic “Implementation of Multilingualism in the System of Modern Education Usin...