
Всемирный день писателя

World Writer’s Day

March 3rd is World Writer’s Day. In honor of this event, the Department of Law and International Relations organiz...
Проект «Профильные классы КАСУ»: посещение палаты предпринимателей ВКО

Project “Profession-Oriented Cl...

As part of the study of the course “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business”, on March 1, 2023, studen...
Разработка совместных курсов повышения квалификации в сотрудничестве с Өрлеу

Development of Joint Advanced Trainin...

On March 2, 2023, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Kazakh-American Free University and the Branch of &...
Гостевая лекция на тему «Startup - советы успешности»

Guest Lecture on “Startup ̵...

On March 2, 2023, a guest lecture on “Startup – Tips for Success” was held for students studying ...

Guest Lecture on “Digital Manda...

On February 27, 2023, at the Kazakh-American Free University, senior lecturers of the Department of Business Altynai&nbs...

Obtaining Copyright Сertificates

The scientific sphere is closely connected with intellectual property: some are working on new developments, others are ...
Е.А.Бөкетов атындағы ҚарУ мен ҚАЕУ-дің болашақ журналистер даярлаудағы серіктестігі

Cooperation of KAFU and Bukenov State...

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Kazakh-American Free University entered into a partnership agreement with Buketov&nb...
Областной конкурс «Будущий юрист» среди обучающихся

Regional Competition “Future La...

On February 27, the regional competition “Future Lawyer” was held at the Kazakh-American Free University amo...
День открытых дверей в суде по делам несовершеннолетних

Open Day at the Juvenile Court of Eas...

On February 24, 2023, 1st-year students of the educational programs “Jurisprudence”, “Law and Law Enfo...
IX региональная олимпиада по казахскому языку и литературе

IX Regional Olympiad in Kazakh Langua...

On February 24, 2023, the Kazakh-American Free University held the IX Regional Olympiad in the Kazakh language and liter...