
International Guest Lecture by Ilona ...

On November 18, 2023, within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Kazakh-American Free University ...

Guest Lecture at Miras University

On November 13, 2023, at Miras University (Shymkent), a guest lecture was held by the Senior Lecturer of the Department ...

Intellectual Quiz on Human Rights at ...

November 10, 2023, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Law and International Relations of KAFU, Master of Legal Science...

Motivational Training 

On November 17, 2023, for 4th-year students of the EP “Psychology”, together with the Senior Lecturer of the depart...

KAFU Expands Cooperation with German ...

November 8, 2023 G.S. Om Technical University (Nuremberg, Germany) hosted an International Educational Fair, in whi...

KAFU Delegation Takes Part in the Int...

As part of the expansion of international academic cooperation, the delegation of the Kazakh-American Free University su...

Guest Lecture by KAFU Professor on Un...

As part of the International Week, held at the Georg Simon Ohm Technical University of Nuremberg, the First Vice-Preside...

KAFU Students Win at the Asian Champi...

The Kazakh-American Free University congratulates 2nd year students of the EP 6B01401 “Physical Culture and Sports” Dari...

Promotion for the city shelter

On November 17, 2023, International Student Day, our talented students took part in an annual charity event. We sold ove...

Open Day at the Specialized Interdist...

2023 жылғы 15 қарашада “Құқықтану”, “Құқық және құқық қорғау қызметі”, “Құқық және кеден қ...