
IX региональная олимпиада по казахскому языку и литературе

IX Regional Olympiad in Kazakh Langua...

On February 24, 2023, the Kazakh-American Free University held the IX Regional Olympiad in the Kazakh language and liter...
Семинар «Эффективные способы написания эссе»

Seminar “Effective Ways of Writ...

On February 24, 2023, the Kazakh-American Free University is holding the IX Regional Olympiad in Kazakh language and lit...
Темирбеку Жургенову – 125 лет

Temirbek Zhurgenov is 125 Years Old

February 25, 2023 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of Temirbek Zhurgenov, a prominent statesman and public figur...
Творческая встреча с Дэниелом Беседином

Creative Meeting with Daniel Besedin

On February 23, 2023, a briefing was held at the Kazakh-American Free University – a creative meeting with Daniel ...
Учимся разрешению конфликтов

Learning to Resolve Conflicts

According to statistics, in Kazakhstan 44% of schoolchildren are victims of bullying. Usually bullying is done by peers....
Мастер-класс для детей центра DaVinci

Workshop for Children of «DaVinci Cen...

On February 21, 2023, the graduate student of the EP “Psychology” Temirlan Zheksen, together with KAFU ...
Благодарность от института непрерывного образования Московского городского университета

Gratitude from the Institute of Conti...

The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh-American Free University received gratitude for active participa...
Одна из возможных профессий будущего

Possible Future Professions

On February 14, 2023, the Head of the Special Accounting Department, Major of Justice Saule Bayandinova, and Senior Insp...
Встреча с бронзовым призёром чемпионата Азии по лёгкой атлетике

Meeting with the Bronze Medalist of t...

On February 15, 2023, a meeting with the bronze medalist of the Asian Championships in Athletics Yelizaveta Matveyeva wa...
Гостевая лекция на тему «Электронное уголовное дело»

Guest Lecture on “Electronic Cr...

On February 10, 2023, the next guest of the Kazakh-American Free University was the Senior Prosecutor of the Department ...